The Mayor’s a fan of BFOC!

Oak Cliff Earth Day was a huge success! Thanks to everyone for coming out. The onsite t-shirt printing was a big hit, we filled up several pages worth of new member sign-ups, and we were able to raise funds for our next bike rack campaign! All in all, a good day. Mayor Tom Leppert stopped by our booth at one point and thanked us for all of our work. After snapping this shot we asked his take on bicycle infrastructure, to which he emphatically advocated bringing bike lanes to the city. Very exciting news indeed!

Thanks again everyone for making this such a successful event!


  1. Michael Hogenmiller · ·

    I want one of those t-shirts? Are they for sale? Will proceeds go to helping out the organization?

  2. Yes! We’re going to work with an existing t-shirt vendor though, so we can stay out of the loop. I’ll forward you the link once it’s setup.

  3. LOL! I saw all the bikes at the corner of the park but I didn’t know BFOC was there. I rode on by over the viaduct and down to Katy trail for my Sunday ride. I’d be interested in buying some shirts too.

  4. P.Erickson · ·

    Nice to see the mayor is behind the idea of making Dallas more bike friendly. Unfortunately, we still have a long way to go. I commute to my job on my trike. This week, after a year of going through the drive-thru twice a month, my bank (Bank of Texas, 12th Street) suddenly decided I have to get off my trike and go inside to conduct my banking. They have no racks, nor is there any place visible from the lobby where I can securely lock my vehicle but the branch manager basically told me that was my problem. Maybe we need a website devoted to Bike Unfriendly Oak Cliff to highlight these folks with such a poor attitude toward cyclists.

  5. There should be a list to highlight businesses who make it hard on cyclist. Oakcliff should be the most cycle/pedestrian part of Dallas!

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